Other evidence of an earth still evolving is the shift in the magnetic poles. Magnetic north has moved at least one degree east in my life time. Within a thousand years it is expected that the poles will reverse, and compasses will point south instead of north!
I recall when I visited the dinosaur exhibit near Winton last year that we were told that the area at the time of the dinosaurs had actually been at about the latitude of today's Tasmania. Now that is quite a notable drift north over 90 million years!
All of which points to our earth being a dynamic, ever-changing planet. Add to that the many changes to the eco-system over the centuries and the progress of human civilisation (about which one can argue) and one can only wonder what sort of world will be here a few thousand years hence?
Yes, the Bible tells the story of God creating all that is: and says that He rested on the seventh day. Note, not that he had finished! Indeed the scriptures show God very much at work since His rest day trying to keep the human race on track in accordance with His creative plan. Which reminds me that I too am still an unfinished product!
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