Recently saw a fine movie - "The Fencer" - which left me feeling so angry. Why is there such bastardry in our world, seeking to undo the good people try to do?
The story (a true one) is about a young Estonian champion fencer (the sport, not post hole digging) who as a teen was drafted into the German military during the occupation. When liberated by Russia he became hunted, as the Stalinists regarded all who had served in the German forces as traitors destined for the Siberian gulags. He took refuge in Leningrad (safety in numbers) where his sporting prowess blossomed. But betrayed there, he fled to a small Estonian village where he became the local school's PE teacher. He began a fencing club (still in existence) to occupy the students at weekends. His success aroused jealousy in the school headmaster who searched for dirt on his staff member, uncovered his past, and betrayed him to the KGB.
As he is taken away to exile in Siberia, the headmaster attempts an apology: "I was just doing what I was required to do". How often that excuse has been used, and continues to be used, as an attempt to justify wrongful actions. A good man, doing good, is sold out to satisfy another's ambition.
I guess there is really no easy answer to this. Evil undoubtedly exists in out world -- and allows of no simple explanation or solution. It certainly points to our inability to overcome this pervasive force that blights humanity -- and our need ultimately for salvation. That is the message of hope that Christmas brings. But meantime the bastardry continues and good people still suffer! That is another mystery.
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