Today's comics in the Courier Mail got me thinking about this. Nothing like a daily dose of the comics to stir the brain cells one way or another.
Oh how I can relate to Fred Basset. Many a mid-morning I would give anything to hit the couch for an hour. It takes real will power to hold off until after lunch for the daily nap. Just one example of art reflecting the real-life experience of getting older.
Hagar the Horrible is not a character one would expect to look to as mirroring one's own situation. But in today's panel he humorously exposes the all too frequent desperation one can experience when an ageing bladder threatens to give out.
I'm not much of a Garfield fan, but today's simple clip expresses beautifully the warmth of friendship that becomes so much more important as age robs us of so many old colleagues and friends. Attendance at funerals becomes almost one's central social life! How welcome time spent over a beer or cuppa with friends.
Calvin has such a rich imaginative life that gets him into all sorts of strife. Today he's driven to desperation when Hobbes won't stay on focus and help him solve the mess he's got himself into with his transmogrifier! Certainly I too could do with a lot more help in thinking these days. I get frequent "asides" of thought I mean to follow up: a question to ask, a piece of news to share, a reference to google... But sadly they disappear into the ether long before the present focus of attention ends. And I end up as frustrated as Calvin appears here.
Now, why did I start this post? I am certain I had some deep insight in mind to share -- but sadly it is gone. Maybe it will come back to me as I lie awake some morning at 2.30 am deciding if I really must stagger out to the toilet.